Sunday, August 2, 2009


I often feel like I've got everything figured out, that I'm wise beyond my years. But I always stumble pretty quickly when I look at how I see the world. For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be able to see beyond the exteriors of this world and see the truth and heart in every person and everything. But I can't, and I don't. I want to get beyond the surface but I'm still somehow stuck on it. The perfect example for me is the rich guy in the nice suit with the blackberry and brand new lexus. There is more to him than these things, but I don't get past them, I write him off and go on my merry way....Another rich guy who only cares about money. What if we could all see properly just for a minute? What if we could see the heart in the wealthy, the poor?? How cool would that be? How about this, the next time I talk to you I promise I'll really listen? Maybe that's a start.