The Little Things
Life is never easy right? There are a million forces pulling you in a million different directions; There's work and salary, and making a living; paying for things, iphones, facebook, fantasy football, life decisions, dinner dates, lunches, God and the list goes on and on. And if you're not careful, you lose yourself in all of it and lose sight of nothing other than your circumstances. And that is where last week found me. I am a frustrated graduate that is looking for work in a career that I have fallen out of love with, and so with all of the job searching/career change searching everything else was lost and I got sucked into the void that is feeling sorry for yourself.... I became Eeeyore. Which is not good. When your circumstances take over, you're not really living anymore, just sort of wallowing through life, and you lose all of those little things that make life so good. This is what I did all
least week, and it was awful. But not this week my friends! This is the week of gratitude.
For Chagall and love
Long Bike Rides
Foggy Cold MorningsAnd Warm Coffee in the morning!