Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Immigration Bill

Here is an article lifted from Everyday Joe's: Immigration Bill

I know that the frenzy about the bill has settled a bit now and that I'm a little late in talking about this, but it took me a long time to really figure out how I feel about this bill.... and I'm not sure I have a definite answer even now. For me, the bill boils down to 2 questions. Is there a law or code that is higher than the United States? and If there is, which code do you follow? And each person has to decide those answers for his or herself.
The kicker for me in all of this is how quick and easy it is to dehumanize a group of people or a culture. These are people, not statistics, whatever ends up happening, it will be happening to people, families, children, men and women, and that scares me a bit. So after all of this here is the one thing I know, we are called to be light and love, and that is better than any law.